To stay on top of the development of new joining techniques and materials, companies can ask assistance from our specialized technological consultants. Members of BWI are entitled to a number of hours of free advice.
BWI guarantees a quick response:
- by years of built up knowledge (75 years!)
- through a variety of documentation records, research reports and publications
- by officially representing the Belgian welding sector in all normative bodies
- through many contacts with experts in Belgium and abroad
"Through knowledge comes growth", do not doubt any longer but take up contact if you have questions on welding issues, such as:
Turn welding issues into welding expertise! Call upon the knowledge of our experts, certified welding engineers (IWE), who can guide you along the thought process in a constructive manner and assist you as external welding coordinator if needed.
Our extensive research experience makes us an expert in all types of joining technologies. It enables us to offer advice and theoretical training. Our vast network of partners also guarantees access to a variety of joining technologies.
To ensure the proper quality of your welded product, the standard ISO 3834 sets out requirements to ensure good practice of the welding operations. As such, a Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) applies and welders should be awarded a welders' certificate. The Belgian Welding Institue (BWI) has developed two welding tools (Dutch) that provide these quality documents in an instant.
Our researchers and advisors are experts in various domains of welding and materials weldability. Most of them are certified International Welding Engineers who participate in international normative bodies. They communicate and explain all standards relevant for the Belgian welding industry on